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Reading Room 9
URGENT: Avoid This At All Costs!

Avoid Allowing FEAR To Settle In Your Mind!

Many of us have great aspirations. We desire either greater wealth, more joy or better health.

We look for ways to make that happen for us and our loved ones and as a result become involved in many aspects of that endeavor. Some go the religious route, some go  benevolence route and some go the philosophical route.

Please remember this everyone, no matter which route you choose, there is one major obstacle that you MUST Overcome, in order to experience the ultimate of your desires, and that is FEAR.

FEAR is the greater enemy to all that we would love to see in our lives.  It will take away all that is important in the flash of an eye!  How? By harbouring it in our subconconscious minds, later to materialize in our lives physically. It may materialize as sickness, emotional distress or poverty. Yes Poverty!

When we find what we want, and it becomes so important to our happiness, then our greatest fear is in that which would take it away! When this starts to grow within ourselves, our subconscious mind registers it, and Voila, it becomes a living thing, right along with our joy.

To conquer Fear, we must face ourselves and our fears. Analzye them, see them as whiffs of misconceived ideas, not able to affect other than what we allow, and they will begin to dissapate. Fear is an enemy to anything that we Love.

The second step to dissapating fear is learning to understand the principles of the universe. When you know the workings of thoughts and ideas, you know yourself as the creator your were designed to be. A
good reading on this concept is a book called "Beyond Positive Thinking" by Dr. Robert Anthony. You can read an overview of this book here: click here

The third step to dissapating fear is learning how to control your thoughts and ideas. How to cleanse your subconscious mind and place in it, those ideas that will materialize your greater good. This procedure is called supraliminal conditioning. Feeding your conscious and subconscious minds with recordings that often combine music with spoken words repeatedly, that you fully hear. It's great and is very powerful. Most successful people have done this in one form or other. To see more about this concept, click here

If you desire real Peace, then you must start now to conquer Fear, or it will lurk around every corner where joy, health and prosperity exists. I wish well in your journey to success!

Best Regards,
Carolyn McTush

Carolyn McTush is a licensed minister and counselor. She has had a total of 35 years in study, training and research of comparative religious, metaphysical, and philosophical studies. She graduated from college with a B.S. in Science, major: Pre Med, and double minor: Philosophy and English. Her career has been focused in the sales and and marketing, with 20 years experience in corporate sales and 5 years experince in sales and marketing consulting. To learn more about Carolyn go here

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