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"How To Walk On Water!"

The world is constantly changing and evolving. These changes often threaten people as they are comfortable with their present state of existence. However one must remember that life is about getting better, not about being stagnant and it takes challenges to make us better. "A soldier never knows his strength until he goes into battle. Make your challenges your footstools addressing them with confidence and wisdom.  Remember "Everything MUST change. No one stays the same!"
When things feel overwhelming, try to remain at peace and allow your mind to be open. Focus on a happy event from the past. Pray or recite scriptures or speak out affirmations until you feel more calmed. You will soon  receive the solutions to your concerns. We call this "walking on water" Allowing the spiritual aspect of yourself to hold up the physical aspect of your lives.
Good Luck!

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The 7 Biggest Mistakes In Life, To AVOID!

In the process of working to materialize my goals, I use this philosophy and it has proven to keep me out of trouble and on to the road of success. I'd like to pass it on!

The Seven Biggest Mistakes To Avoid Are:

1) Squander any amount of money!
2) Ignore your physical health!
3) Violate the Trust of People In Your Life!
4) Toss your principles to the wind for someone else
5) Misuse your Power to purposefully cause someone harm!
6) Ignore the Pleasures of Laughter, Joy and Love!
7) Have no discipline to your tongue!

"The Instant Millionaire"

The setting: a young man is being briefed on the introductory principles of wealth by an old millionaire, who has become his mentor. The old man is giving him advice.

Old Millionaire: "Make sure you're positive about your choice of careers. All the millionaires I've known-and I've met quite a few over the years- loved their occupations. For them, working became almost a leisure activity, as agreeable as a hobby. That's why most rich people rarely take vacations. Why should they deprive themselves of what they enjoy doing so much? And that's why they continue working even after becoming millionaires several times over.

But though it's an absolute must to enjoy your work, it's not enough. To get rich, you have to know the secrets of wealth. Tell me, do you really believe these secrets exist?"

Young man: "Yes, I do."

Old Millionaire: "Good, That's the first step. Most people don't believe there are secrets to attaining wealth. They don't even believe they can become rich. And they're right, of course. If you don't think you can become rich, you very rarely do. You have to start by believing that you can, and then crave it passionately. Most people aren't ready to accept these secrets, even if they are revealed to them in very simple terms. Their greatest limitation is their own lack of imagination. That's why the true secrets of wealth are the best kept secrets in the world."

excerpts from the book "The Instant Millionaire" written by Mark Fisher, 1990


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This site was published by Carolyn McTush, Treasure Gems, Atlanta, Georgia

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